Why Us | Council Financial & Insurance Services | California

Why Us

Build Your Council 

"The best thing a human being can do is to help another human being know more."  - Charlie Munger

Whether you self manage, have team members in place, or are looking to strengthen your round table, we understand that counsel comes from a variety of sources. Our strength lies in synchronizing team efforts to achieve your objectives.

Gain clarity on your goals and your values. Do you have these written out on paper? Let’s complete a fee audit, a beneficiary audit, an asset allocation audit, an insurance audit, or an estate audit. Would any of these items be valuable to you?

We will bring together the pieces of the puzzle that are most important to you, so you can gain financial clarity.


Protection. Retirement. Investment. Estate.

"The essence of investment management is the management of risks, not the management of returns."   -Benjamin Graham

What sets us apart from other professionals is our comprehensive 3 stage process.

We can address 1)Insurance, 2) Investments, and 3) Estate.  

1)Insurance, 2) Investments, and 3) Estate Graphic

The taller you want your financial building to be, the stronger a foundation you need. What good is discussing annualized returns if your financial house comes crumbling down? Therefore our process begins with protection. Protecting your income, your assets, and those you love. 

From there we build upwards, with focus placed on tiering out and sychronizing your liquidity requirements and goals, with your acceptable risk profile based on time horizons.

Intergenerational financial strategies is one of our specialties; taking an eagle eye perspective on the big picture for your estate. We aim to protect and organize your estate's assets so you and your loved ones can live life as intended; without financial fear.


Smart Data. Smarter People.

"Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted." - Einstein

In today's world we rely heavily on the use of technology. This cross over to the financial services industry has been helpful in a variety of ways. Modeling outcomes and risk factors more accurately than in the past, software can be a valuable tool in analyzing finances. It should not be the only tool.

Issues can and do arise with over reliance. If we lean on technology without professional human expertise, we lose the personal touch to the services we provide to our clients. We create a myopic view looking at data without taking an eagle eye perspective in applying that data to our specifications. In such cases there is not enough considerable thought put into unique considerations of each individual’s situation, and there is a lack of professional thought in the process.

We are committed to focusing on the relationship between us and our clients. We know that success is part technological and part client relationships